
Friday 29 June 2012


Hai guys , we meet again .. On this day , i will discuss again about MGT300 but this is for CHAPTER 2 .. Ehem Ehem .. Have you know or have you heard about COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES ?? From my understanding ,, :

 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES is a product or service that an organization's customer place a greater value on than similar offerings from a competitor.For Example facebook has a competitive advantage because most people use its service rather than adopting because of particular features.

FIRST-MOVER ADVANTAGES is occurs when an organization has launch up firstly their product from other competitors . For Example is the first major online bookstore.

ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING means that analysis of events and trends in the environment external to an organization. For Example what trends, events, or factors are occurring or might occur in the world and may impact the organization's workforce?..

3 'key' of common tools 


Five forces model helps determine the relative attractiveness of an industry by :





.......Episode of BUSINESS DRIVEN TECHNOLOGY........

Haii guyss ,,today i want to share with you guys about what i have learn in this CHAPTER 1......

As we know , information technology (IT) is everywhere in business .. Did you know what is means of IT ?Today i will share u all about what is information technology BASICS ..

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY(IT) -Use of technology in managing and processing the information.Normally IT is very important in business success and innovation
-For exmp: we want to sell our product in online

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION  SYSTEM (MIS)  -Business function and academic discipline covering the application of people,technologies ,and procedures to solve business problem

When you see the picture that i put above,,so what do you think .. ?? Actually guys ,here i want to tell you that information technology is very important to understand of  :

DATA : Raw material that describe the characteristic of an event.Example : Female,Age,Location

INFORMATION : Convert into a meaningful and useful context.Ex: Sell the product A to Female(focus)

BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE :Gather,provide and analyse data n info to make decision.Example : Business Analysis

'key' of IT RESOURCES 


'key' of IT CULTURES

INFORMATION-FUNCTIONAL CULTURE- Means of exercising influence or power over others.For example : a manager refuses to share information with marketing.

INFORMATION-SHARING CULTURE - Departments trust each other to use information .For example :Manager share the information with th employees .

INFORMATION-INQUIRING CULTURE - Department search the information to better understand the future with current trends and new directions

INFORMATION-DISCOVERING CULTURE - Seeks ways to create competitives advantages.

 ###**Okey guys ,,that's all for this chapter .. hope that you alls can understand what is information technology and so on . so ,,wait for the next chapter .. bye .=) see u .###**

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Ini Pet SAya ... !

Haiii ,, This is my pets .. kiut x ? actually kalo korang tengok depan mata kan 2 ekor ni mesti tengok je korang pastu mesti menyorok ... Ye la sebab diorang mana kenal korang . mesti la kenal Tuan dia jep . kua3.. 2Ekor ni sebenarnya dua dua betina . sekor namanya Ko sekor lagi Ki  .. jadinya KiKo . Haha . Makanan yang selalu aku bagi dorang makan SmartHeart . Kos beli barang2 tuk Dorang pun nk cecah beratus2 sebulan .. tak caya ? Yela makanan,pasir,susu,syampoo, ah yang paling bnyak guna kos nya pasal pegi klinik haa .. setiap bulan mesti kena g inject .. Bukan dorang je dengan mak bapak dorang sekali . ..ok lah ,, lepas ni aku post lagi pic dorang time besar lak eh .. k bye ..

Saturday 23 June 2012

Cun Saja Pengenalankuu .. !!

            'Jangan kau Perasaan cun .. ohh !! '
"Lagu ini bukan di radio setiap hari untukmu ,
 Lagu ini tidak perlu kau kembali padaku ,
 Lagu ini hanya ingin kau Fahami ,Kusudah teruskan hidupku ,
     semuanya CUN SAJA ....... !!"
 Pernah dengar tak korang lagu ni ?? kalo tak pernah dengar korang tekan je link ni .. bes tau lagu ni ..! DENGARR ...
Well ,sambil2 korang dengar lagu my FAVOURITE tu ,, meh dengar si cun ni start episod  kenalkan diri ..ehem Ehem ehem........


Okey ,, nama yang memang da tercatat di dalam kad pengenalan Nurul Waheeda Binti Mohamad Azam .Asal dari Kerteh,Terengganu,. Dulu masa Tadika kawan-kawan panggil Nurul tapi sekarang Wawa ,,.Hmm tapi bagi aku ,, kira cun  la nama tu ..Macam tuan dia la . Alamak # (tangan ke bahu,mata ke atas) . HAHAhaaaa ....
Lagi apa lagi ek .. Hah,,aku ni anak ke dua dari tiga adik beradik . Sorang laki n dua girls .. My abah dulu kerja kat Offshore Petronas .Dulu aku selalu kena tinggal tak macam korang dari kecik da dapat kasih sayang ayah kan,macam aku dulu 3 bulan sekali je bole jumpa abah tapi sekarang da tak kerja situ da ,sekarang ada projeknya sendiri,aku pun tak tau .. My mama pulak suri rumah ,.. duk kat rumah je.. cunnn sajaa...da bes MOM !! HEHE ..hmm pasal Hobi lak .. hobi aku suka tengok citer2 movie,,biasalah time takde kerja kan .. takpun kalo kat rumah hobi aku suka bersih2kan rumah .. sebab tu lah rumah aku bersih je .. HAHAA tak caya ?? meh la datang rumah ..Status ???? well nanti lepas aku abis diploma ,korang akan tau apa status sebenar aku ,.. Cita2 pulak ,,tak tau lagi tapi kadang2 terfikir gak nak bukak bisness sendiri .. so ,,korang tengok je lah nnti .Mana tau kot2 bisness aku ni masuk tv ke . ahakzz2 .. HEHE .. hmm . Tu je kot pengenalan untuk hari ini . Malas nak taip .. harap kira cun la eh korang baca pengenalan aku ni .. k Bye .. =)

Saturday 16 June 2012

Aku,Dia Dan Kamu Sebagai Sahabat?

Semua orang didunia ada sahabat kan?mustahil kita tidak ada sahabat walaupun seorang..Apa makna sahabat?Bagi saya,sahabat merupakan antara orang yang paling dekat dihati kita.